Gen Z Needs Leaders Who…
By Bill MacLeod, Director, MissionConnexion
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is a 15-week awe-inspiring comprehensive study course that is rooted in the Scriptures. It’s a multi-faceted learning experience that has profoundly impacted over 250,000 alumni. It dramatically transformed my life and worldview when I took it as a newly minted missions pastor and I have been teaching classes since 1996.
At the Perspectives 50th Anniversary Global Conference appropriately held at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago last month, we were privileged to be reminded of the impact that the course has had worldwide and were joined by staff, instructors and coordinators from over 46 countries! Speakers with historical, cultural and present-day insights challenged us from the Bible multiple times daily.
Jolene Erlacher who co-authored Mobilizing Gen Z with Katy White was especially thought-provoking. Her book points out that Generation Z (1997-2012) is growing up as the first post-Christian generation in American history. Not familiar with Postmodernism? At its foundation, postmodernism rejects the modern premise that there is absolute truth which can be known through science, reason, and broad cultural metanarratives or stories that legitimatize truth claims.
As believers who are desirous to engage our culture with the truth claims about Jesus from the Scriptures, Dr. Erlacher reminds us that we cannot change people’s perspectives by utterly refuting their arguments. “If you want to encourage people’s thinking”, she says, “you have to first engage their intuition, passion, and emotions.” This process can occur as we coach, mentor, and lead others relationally.
In her Ted Talk-esque mainstage presentation, Erlacher humbly and pastorally expressed that Gen Z needs leaders willing to…
- Discern what God is doing in their generation (help/adapt/innovate for a new season).
- Speak individual encouragement and belief.
- Listen with humility and empathy – AND – give them a Voice and input.
- Teach and Equip with godly patience.
For further insight into this compelling topic you may also listen to her being interviewed by hosts Ted Esler, and Matthew Ellison on The Mission Matters Podcast.