Connecting God’s people to mission through regional conferences and focus events so that increasing numbers of believers are actively serving in areas of the world’s greatest gospel need and opportunity.

MissionConnexion is one of the MissionWorks family of ministries.
Through our family of ministries, MissionWorks provides individuals, churches, mission organizations and schools with all the outstanding resources, connections and training needed to be successful in local and global mission work.
That’s because at MissionWorks our goal is to see more people like you doing more in mission and doing it better.
Expand your mission through our family of ministries.
For over two decades, MissionConnexion values remain steadfast.
MissionConnexion began as a vision from the Lord in 1994 that came to Bill MacLeod and was followed by an urgency for something that would accelerate mission mobilization through the local church. After several years of prayer by leaders over this vision, MissionConnexion was founded by Bill MacLeod in 2001, during his fifteen years as a missions pastor in Portland, Oregon.
He has been a mobilizer for over 40 years dedicating his life to city-wide people movements while serving in an international, evangelistic organization, a national men’s movement and a local church as missions pastor.
Bill is the Director of MissionConnexion and along with the collaborative support of the full MissionWorks team, continues to promote the values upon which the organization was originally founded . . .
Priority — MissionConnexion is a Biblically-based, Spirit-led and prayer-empowered mobilizing movement that elevates the necessity and priority of missions in the local church.
Holistic — We operate in a holistic mindset where Sending, Giving, Praying, Funding, Training, Going, and all the other multi-faceted roles of the body of Christ are mobilized to fulfill the Great Commission.
Local Church Driven — We lift up and focus on the role of the local Church as the center of missions engagement, calling for action and sacrifice on the part of all so that the church can fulfill its calling.
Unity & Collaboration — We promote and encourage multi-church and multi-agency participation in a collaborative and unified approach, connecting people to opportunities and discovering their God-given role in missions both locally and across the globe.
Relational — We are supported, implemented, and dependent upon volunteers and area churches. We respect the diversity in the body of Christ while promoting unity in our common task of taking the gospel of the Kingdom to every tongue, tribe, people and nation.
It’s about working together for the greater good.
We have a rich history of resourcing the mission world that is both practical and authoritative.
DELTA Ministries sent out its first mission team in 1979 and was the short-term mission vehicle for the Conservative Baptist Association of Oregon. Over the next 16 years, DELTA would send out hundreds of teams and eventually come under the sponsorship of WorldVenture, the national missions organization associated with Conservative Baptist Churches.
In 1996, DELTA became an independent, interdenominational ministry mobilizing over 100 teams and 1000 team members per year at its peak. At the same time, DELTA’s CEO, Brian Heerwagen, joined the national steering committee for the writing of The Seven Standards and the establishment of The Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission.
In October 2003, the US Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission was formally launched. In time, the “US” was removed, and the organization was known just as Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission or “SOE” for short.
From the beginning, SOE was the authoritative voice for all things short-term mission and was effective at exposing weakness by presenting excellence. In 2017, DELTA and SOE merged — SOE defined excellence and DELTA had the staff and resources to help members become excellent.
Through these years, the staff and leadership have worked hand-in-hand with other partners who were also called to promoting excellence in missions. This natural progression has now collectively created a family of ministries that provide the comprehensive programs and services needed by mission-focused people and organizations…
MissionConnexion was established in 2001 by missions pastor Bill MacLeod in Portland and has become a premier mission mobilizing conference and focus event organizer. Reaching over 5,000 individuals and hundreds of churches and organizations through numerous annual events, MissionConnexion has now become the primary outreach and equipping ministry of MissionWorks.
MissionGuide was formerly ShortTermMissions.com and was launched by Mission Data International in December of 2000 as a quality collaborative resource for people to discover, learn about and engage with short-term mission trips and other Christ-centered service opportunities. It was also an effective way for mission organizations to get the word out about their mission opportunities. In 2020, it joined with SOE and is now the MissionWorks website tool that helps people enlist in mission trips that fit their gifts and calling.
MissionLinked is the newest member of the MissionWorks family of ministries and is currently under development. By offering a comprehensive suite of tools, it allows the mission or project organizer, participant, sender and host to stay informed as well as interact and engage with supporters. Launching in early 2023, MissionLinked will be the ultimate missions fundraising tool in the MissionWorks suite of ministries.
MissionArmor issued through MissionSafe, provides travel medical insurance that protects and covers individuals and mission teams in the event of an illness or injury. This insurance is helpful when traveling outside of your country of residence and provides key medical benefits in case of an emergency. MissionArmor ensures MissionWorks mission participants, so they are safe and sound while on mission.
MissionExcellence rounds out our family of ministries. MissionExcellence helps leaders plan mission trips that honor God, their hosts, and those they are serving by effectively implementing best practices called the Seven Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Missions.
So, if you’re just starting out to expand your mission, looking for a short-term trip or finetuning your organization’s mission, you’re in the right place.
That’s because at MissionWorks, our goal is to see more people like you doing more in mission and doing it better.