“It’s Time… For Results!”
By Bill MacLeod, Executive Director
With an urgency to both meet and engage with others eager to take the gospel ‘across the street and around the world’…our 2022 “it’s time.” Conference resonated in and through every aspect of this year’s 20th anniversary event! We were so very grateful for Village Church hosting us and allowing us to be “in person” for the first time in two years!
Comments from our follow-up survey caught my attention too…
- The worship provided by Proskuneo was so encouraging & marvelous! The only reason we won’t be coming to more MC events is that we are going to Egypt in early August!
- Thank you to all the volunteers!! Everyone was so kind!
- I really appreciated the track on emotional crisis care, and self-care and missions!
- I enjoy using this conference as a training opportunity for [those] preparing for the field.
- Loved the various tracks, so much information for every person, no matter where they are on their faith journey.
- This was my first time attending this event, and I was very encouraged to see the collaboration among churches/ministries in the larger Portland and Southern WA region.
- Had some awesome conversations with youngsters who won’t be students or applicants to Wycliffe for a while. The time connecting with other organizations was also important.
- I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GLAD to see MCNW actually happen in person. It was an awesome relaunch…Thanks for making it happen and happen so well!
Almost 1500 attendees came in person from many backgrounds and locations:
- Churches: over 250 churches were represented and 20% came for their first time! Of the “Top 10” churches that brought the most people, half came from over 50 miles away, and churches from Bend, Salem, and Sutherlin were second only to the host, Village Church!
- First Time: Over 26% had never attended any MC event before.
- Besides OR and WA, we welcomed folks from: CA, AZ, ID, HI, AK, IN, TX, FL and WY!
- We also had about 2800 join us online…
- USA Live-Streamers beamed in from 26 States including: AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, HI, IL, IA, IN, KS, LA, MD, MI, MT, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TX, and WA.
- Foreign Live-Streamers beamed in from 9 Countries: Canada, Guam, Bahamas, India, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, The Philippines, and Lebanon!
- Gift Match Challenge: increasing the principal to $35,000 this year, generous attendees gave, and we’re only about $8,000 shy of matching our $35K goal! If you’d still like to donate, you may send a check to PO Box 25507, Portland, OR 97298, or give Online here.
- Recordings: If you missed any of the Plenary or Workshop Sessions you may access them on our website here.
- Over 67% said MCNW 2022 had expanded their knowledge of missions from what they already knew…
- Over 57% wanted more information on Prayer ConneXion…
- Over 50% said they were challenged in their walk with Christ…
- Over 44% said they felt better equipped to engage others with the gospel…
- Over 40% wanted more information on Student ConneXion…
- Over 31% wanted more information on both STM ConneXion, and The Journey Deepens…
- Over 25% wanted more information on Mission ConneXion SOUTHWEST, Nov. 4-5, 2022.
- And 20% said the event changed how they think about missions and their role in it!
Thank you for attending if you were able to this year! If not, please plan now for Mission ConneXion Northwest, January 20-21, 2023 at Sunset Church. In the meantime, join us at our various, scheduled, ConneXion events starting with STM ConneXion, Feb. 25-26. It’s time!