A challenge to youth to go beyond.
Student Connexion provides a launching point for youth into a lifetime involvement of serving Jesus through missions and ministry by connecting them with the mission field of today.
Our purpose is to challenge students, ages 10-20, to give their life for a cause that is greater than anything they may have previously thought of or imagined. The cause is the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world. We are intentionally seeking out students who are ready to go far beyond anything their iPhones, XBoxes, girlfriends, boyfriends, sports, clubs or even their college plans could ever offer them. The challenge is for students to live an Acts 1:8 lifestyle.
Read more about us at StudentConnexion.org

Student Connexion is volunteer run and staffed by people just like you.
There is a place for everyone to serve — from the parking lot to the cafeteria, from registration to security. We welcome small groups, youth groups and individuals to serve alongside us.
Do you love youth? Do you like to pray? Looking to invest in the Kingdom of God? If you answered yes to any one of these questions, then we’re looking for you! Help us keep Portland’s only Youth Missions Conference FREE by volunteering.
Here’s what’s involved. We need individuals who are willing to give of their time before, during or after the annual sponsored conference, November 5 – 6, 2022 to assist in the practical functioning of the conference. Anticipated volunteer assignments are:
- Door Greeters
- Registration Assistance
- Seminar Hosts
- Ushers
- Gophers
- Prayer Team
- Set-Up/Take-Down Crew
From praying with students and speakers to sharing a smile at the door we’d like to provide an opportunity for you to serve. Interested? Click the button below to fill out the application.