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We will also be welcoming some other special guests to our “To Every Generation and Nation!” emphasis at MissionConnexion Northwest. Rev. Dr. Sameh Maurice, Senior Pastor of Kasr el Dobara Evangelical Church in Cairo, Egypt – the largest church in the Middle East – will be sharing with us some of the exciting things they see happening in that region.
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We will also be welcoming some other special guests to our “To Every Generation and Nation!” emphasis at MissionConnexion Northwest. Rev. Dr. Sameh Maurice, Senior Pastor of Kasr el Dobara Evangelical Church in Cairo, Egypt – the largest church in the Middle East – will be sharing with us some of the exciting things they see happening in that region.
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We will also be welcoming some other special guests to our “To Every Generation and Nation!” emphasis at MissionConnexion Northwest. Rev. Dr. Sameh Maurice, Senior Pastor of Kasr el Dobara Evangelical Church in Cairo, Egypt – the largest church in the Middle East – will be sharing with us some of the exciting things they see happening in that region.
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We are privileged to welcome Wendy Palau to MissionConnexion Northwest this year with our emphasis “To Every Generation and Nation”. She grew up in Jamaica as the daughter of Robert and Judy Levy and became the wife of Andrew Palau as a result of their meeting at a Palau Festival Luis did there.
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As a child I remember holding up a mirror to a larger wall mirror and the reflection made it seem as if I was looking down a corridor of mirrors that was infinite, without end. In Exodus 20 God lays out the Ten Commandments for Moses but rather than them being a set of “rules”, He is underscoring the special, personal relationship He yearns to have with them. In verse 6 he makes an unusual statement when he says…
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MissionConnexion Northwest 2024 will welcome Sean McDowell as one of our Keynote speakers this January! Additionally, Sean will also be directing our Leadership Connexion event, along with Mark Mittelberg, and his son Matthew Mittelberg. Dr. Sean McDowell is the son of Josh and Dottie McDowell and a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the church, and in particular young people, to make the case for the Christian faith.
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MissionConnexion Northwest 2024 will welcome Mark Mittelberg as one of our Keynote speakers this January! Mark and his wife Heidi live near Denver, Colorado, and are the parents of Emma Jean and Matthew, both of whom serve in ministry roles. Mark will also be opening our Leadership Connexion event, accompanied by his apologist son Matthew Mittelberg, and Sean McDowell!
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In the fall of my second year of college, I had a weekend job from 12:00 AM (midnight) to 8:00 AM sitting behind a desk and buzzing people in the front door of a high-rise apartment building in downtown Philadelphia. With this late-night working shift, I was able to get a lot of reading assignments done. One weekend I had to read the entire book of Genesis and as I was coming to the end of both chapter 50 and my shift, I could not get the country of Scotland out of my mind.
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In his bestselling book, The Treasure Principle, Randy Alcorn shares six keys that he and his wife Nanci learned when everything was taken away from them, including his ability to earn a living, due to a public stand he took for righteousness. As a result, over the course of three decades-plus, the Lord has multiplied his life, resources, and giving exponentially. Those keys include…
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