By the church. For the church.
Dear Pastor,
We invite you to come alongside the growing number of churches in our community who are Church Partners with MissionConnexion Southwest.
MissionConnexion began in the Portland, Oregon area in 2001. Our mission is: “Connecting God’s people to mission through regional conferences and focus events so that increasing numbers of believers are actively serving in areas of the world’s greatest gospel need and opportunity.”
This conference is held in the Greater Phoenix area. It’s an amazing opportunity for individuals and church partners to come together with MissionConnexion in seeking to mobilize hundreds of believers in growing in their commitment to missions.
By the Church. For the Church.
For over 20 years, MissionConnexion has been a growing network of churches like yours across the country that collaborate, share best biblical practices for missions’ engagement, mobilization and discipleship. MissionConnexion Southwest is held in partnership with local churches in our community who are connecting God’s people to mission.
The MissionConnexion Southwest conference this year will features engaging workshops, exhibitors and compelling keynote speakers. In addition, the conference now includes two Preconferences: the MissionExcellence Standards Introductory Workshop and Leadership Connexion and one Focus Event: Short-Term Mission Connexion.
Your Church Attends for Free
There is no admission fee for individuals to attend MissionConnexion Southwest. If your hope and dream is to see members in your church grow in their commitment to missions either by serving directly or by supporting others involved in cross-cultural service, we help you connect with the people, places and things your members need to know to go forward on mission here in the Southwest or around the world.
We believe that whatever just cause your church is focusing on to reach our community or the nations, you will benefit by coming together and learning from other partnering churches and various organizations.
Introducing the Church Partner Portal
We’re pleased to introduce your church to the new MissionConnexion Church Partner Portal on our website providing promotional tools we’ve developed to assist you and your team in engaging your congregation with this year’s conference.
Through download, you now have access to these helpful tools:
Digital Promotional Tools
- Website Event Page Graphic Elements
- Church Testimonial Video
- Broadcast Email Masthead and Messages
- Social Media Blocks and Posts
Print Collateral
- Flyer / Bulletin Inserts
- Poster
In-Service Promotional Tools
- Pulpit Announcement Script
- PowerPoint Promo Slide
- Letterhead
Plus, you’ll also find a helpful video tutorial that contains an overview of the tools and how to localize them for your church. The link to access the Church Partner Portal is emailed to you after receipt and approval of your Application.
Church Partner Packet
You can download the full Church Partner Packet that contains all the steps to confirm your participation as a Church Partner. The overview sheets preview all the activities and information you’ll need to help ensure your attenders will have a productive and inspirational experience at the conference.
National Speakers
MissionConnexion Southwest incorporates keynote speakers who are leaders in global missions and training.
Our workshops are a great place to learn more from experienced practitioners here in the Southwest. Featuring workshops led by experts on a wide variety of topics, the workshops enable those interested to meet directly with representatives from multiple mission agencies.
MissionConnexion Southwest exhibitors provide engaging information covering a range of mission-focused programs, products and services. From youth gaining a new understanding of their role in mission, to life-long missionaries, if your church’s focus is on mission, you’ll find exhibitors at our conference to help you advance the Gospel through your ministry.
Apply Today
We hope that you will consider joining us at MissionConnexion Southwest as one of our Church Partners. We ask for your help to encourage your members to attend and to volunteer.
Your church partnership makes it possible for MissionConnexion to provide free admission to hundreds of attenders who will receive mission training from leading speakers, workshops and mission exhibitors. As a church partner you help underwrite the financial cost of your local conference. We also encourage your church to pray for God’s blessing on the event and those who participate.
To register as a Church Partner, please complete the Church Partnership Application through this link. This application will be a recurring opportunity to support MissionConnexion through a church partnership.
In His Service with You,
Jake Embleton
Southwest Coordinator