Learn more below on our Regional Conference in the Southwest

Your attendance is requested
Whether you’re dipping your toe into missions, a church team looking for fellowship and guidance, or a mission organization enlisting new workers, at MissionConnexion Southwest we help you connect with the people, places and things you need to know to go forward on mission in your part of the country.

Church Partners
By the church. For the church.
MissionConnexion Southwest is held in partnership with local churches who are connecting God’s people to mission and increasing numbers of believers who are actively serving in areas of the world’s greatest gospel need and opportunity.
Your church partnership makes it possible for MissionConnexion to provide free admission to thousands of attenders to receive mission training from leading speakers and mission exhibitors, focused on helping your church advance the Gospel through mission.

Meet, greet and compel.
MissionConnexion Southwest exhibitors gain exposure to targeted, mission-focused audiences. From youth gaining a new understanding of their role in mission, to life-long missionaries, if your organization’s focus is on mission, you’ll find your audience at our conference.
Located in high-traffic areas of our events, exhibit locations are concentrated for attenders to learn about your programs, products and services.
Plus, your participation as an exhibitor makes it possible for MissionConnexion to provide free and reduced fee-admission to thousands of attenders to receive mission training from leading speakers and mission exhibitors focused on helping to advance the Gospel through mission.

Delivering your message.
MissionConnexion Southwest is part of the MissionWorks family of ministries that attract the attention and participation of thousands of people and organizations throughout the country.
Across multiple mission-focused websites, through targeted broadcast email, sponsored social ads and published ads in event catalogs and collateral, MissionConnexion advertisers find cost-effective and audience-centric reach.
Plus, your advertising investment makes it possible for MissionConnexion to provide free and reduced fee-admission to thousands of attenders to receive mission training from leading speakers and mission exhibitors focused on helping to advance the Gospel through mission.

MissionConnexion Southwest is volunteer run and staffed by people just like you.
There is a place for everyone to serve — from the parking lot to the cafeteria, from registration to security. We welcome small groups, youth groups and individuals to serve alongside us.