Southwest Welcomes Darryl DelHousaye and Jason Hubbard
By Jake Embleton, Southwest Coordinator
This month we are excited to introduce two speakers for MissionConnexion Southwest 2023…
Dr. Darryl DelHousaye has served as Senior Pastor of Scottsdale Bible Church and as President and Professor of Practical Theology at Phoenix Seminary. He now serves as both Pastor-emeritus of the Church and Chancellor of the school as well as the Teaching and Training Pastor at Redeemer Bible Church in Gilbert. He speaks at Bible Conferences within and out of state. Dr. DelHousaye has over 50 years of broad local church experience. Married since 1970, Darryl and Holly have two married sons and have six wonderful grandkids.
What were the circumstances that led you to follow Jesus Christ?
I came to an understanding of the Gospel in August 1966 at a summer camp when I was 16. Bob Kraning was the speaker, and it was then that I realized my sinfulness and need of a savior. But it was the close connection with my youth group at church that gave me the example of following Christ as I observed and questioned my leaders in the group that patterned for me a life that followed Christ by embracing His commandments as friends helped me to learn how to honor God as my heavenly Father.
How did you come to value the important role the church plays in a believer’s life?
It was as the writer of Hebrews put it in Hebrews 10:25, to gather yourself together for the purpose of stimulating one another to love and good deeds. I found encouragement as well as answers to my questions in my church.
What challenges are you seeing from your global ministry perspective for those who may be sensing God calling them toward “Serving There?”
On a personal basis I believe Psalm 37:4 appears to say if my desire is to honor God then He will put His desires in my heart. The real question then becomes how I sense the real need and do I have a desire to focus my life to that need. The need I see globally is a need for a sense of HOPE! If there is going to be any peace in our world, it will only be with hope that prevails within us. Focus on a mission and see if it meets a real need as you sense it!
What would you like people attending Mission ConneXion 2022 to come away with, and how would you like them to respond to the unique emphasis you will bring with regards to our Together Here…Serving There” theme?
My emphasis will be from Daniel 7 and the theological big picture of the Kingdom of the Father being given to the Son. This Kingdom is a gift from the Father to the Son and God is spending this 2000+ year period of history populating the gift. The gift of the Kingdom when the Father gives the Kingdom and the Son returns will be filled with people who love and are devoted to the King, the Son Himself. I want people to walk away seeing they are part of a big deal, this gift and being used of God to populate that gift. This is the great significance they must see to their work of mission.
Dr. Jason Hubbard is the Executive Coordinator of International Prayer Connect (IPC). IPC consists of 27 leaders of significant regional and international prayer networks and ministries throughout the world. The Council seeks to provide relational, prophetic leadership and connection for International Prayer Connect, a global network of hundreds of prayer networks and ministries with many thousands of ministry leaders and intercessors. Our vision is to “Catalyze united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfillment of the great commission”. His desire is to be an extravagant worshiper of Jesus, an anointed deliverer of men and a godly husband and father. Jason has been married for 30 years to Kristie and they have three beautiful kids and four grandkids.
What were the circumstances that led you to follow Jesus Christ?
I didn’t grow up in a Christian home, was invited to a bible camp and heard the gospel from a 93yr old preacher, gave my heart to Christ that night. Joined a Mennonite Brethren church and youth group and started growing in Christ. My pastor was a praying pastor and led the pastors’ prayer gathering in Bellingham – this left an indelible mark on my life.
How did you come to value the important role the Local Church plays in a believer’s life…the “Together Here” part of our theme?
Pastoring at Christ the King (CTK) for 10yrs I learned the importance of walking together as family. As a pastoral team of a large church, we faced many challenges together, and recognized not only the value of ‘love for one another, but also that we ‘needed’ one another. And this ended up being true with other churches in our community. This created a culture of ‘oneness and unity’ amongst the pastors of our area!
What challenges / opportunities are you seeing from your global ministry perspective for those who may be sensing God calling them toward “Serving There”?
As Jesus said, ‘The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few, Gospel movements are exploding in areas like Indonesia, India, and the Middle east and yet there is such an incredible need for more workers, willing to give their lives for the advance of the gospel. Like the Moravians of old, may our mandate be to ‘win for the Lamb who was slain the due reward for his sufferings’
What would you like people attending MissionConnexion Southwest 2022 to come away with, and how would you like them to respond to the unique emphasis you will bring with regards to our “Together Here…Serving There” Theme?
God is calling some of us to Go and share the gospel with the remaining unreached people groups of the world, he is calling some of us to give and help resource workers that have been sent, but God is calling all of us to ‘pray’ for the nations of the earth! I hope to provide a simple invitation and practical way for all of us to engage in prayer for the nations on a regular basis, crying out together, ‘Father give your Son the nations as his inheritance” (Ps. 2:8).
We look forward to seeing you at MissionConnexion Southwest!!
Please see our website for more details:
For the King and His Kingdom,
Jake Embleton